Monday, April 8, 2019

What is CTF?

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What is CTF (Capture The Flag)?

Security CTFs, or Capture-The-Flag competitions have nothing to do with paintball or shooter games, but they are awesome to learn to hack. They can be very challenging and teach you a lot of new skills. In this post, I want to tell you about what kind of challenges there are and how you can find CTFs to play.
 Generally, there are two categories of CTFs. Jeopardy-style and Attack-and-defense.  I will only focus on the Jeopardy-style, especially because it’s easier to get into. So a typical CTF offers a bunch of different challenges that you have to solve. Most commonly you have to exploit some kind of service so you get remote access to the server, so you can then read the content of a file that contains a special string, the flag, which is proof that you hacked the system. You can then enter that string in a form and you get points depending on how hard the challenge was for your team.
 Usually, a challenge has a title, a short description and maybe info on how to reach the service or a file to download. Oftentimes the title or description is already a small hint. So, for example, there was a challenge called sha1lcode at the HITCOn CTF 2014, and without really looking into the challenge I already assumed that you have to write shellcode, and it has something to do with sha1 hashes. Maybe writing shellcode in the form of sha1 hashes. And indeed, that was the solution in the end. There are a lot of different kinds of challenges, and sometimes you get some new creative ones, but the typical topics covered are reversing, pwning, crypto, web and maybe misc or programming.
Reversing usually comes with an executable, a program you can download and run locally. The program implements some kind of algorithm that checks an input key. If you find the correct key, which is oftentimes already the correct flag, then you solved it. So solving it requires you to reverse engineer and understand the implemented algorithm to deduct the correct input key.
For pwning challenges you often get also an executable but with it an IP address and port of a server running this program. So you have to figure out how to exploit the program to gain remote code execution. You develop your exploit locally and then use it against the server, where you can then read the flag file. These challenges range from simple buffer overflows to very advanced heap feng shui stuff. And they are the most interesting ones to me. 
Crypto, like the name says is about cryptography. Sometimes it’s about attacking a self-made cipher, or very simple crypto attacks like weak random generators. But it can get really advanced and mathematical. Where you are basically lost if you are not up to date with the research and papers form that field.
Web challenges are also clear, they are about web applications. Usually you get a URL and you have to exploit maybe a advanced SQL injection, or bypass authentication. Sometimes even XSS or CSRF challenges. I also have a web challenge writeup where you can get a feeling for what it is about. Misc basically covers anything else. And programming is also self explanatory.
Mostly it’s about clever implementations of solving some kind of problem. Now that you are excited about solving some of these challenges, let’s talk about where you can find them. The best platform for all of this is ctftime. It’s made by the CTF community for the CTF community. You can see which CTFs are upcoming and you get information like the format, when it happens and where to register. You can also see the archive of competitions in the past. Over the year the CTF teams collect these points and you have an overall ranking. Being in the top 50 is quite challenging. But how to find a team? Well it’s like finding a group of friends. There is no one way how to do it. You could also checkout the reddit CTF team OpenToAll, which is, like the name says, open to everybody. But all these CTFs are usually short. They are over a weekend. Maybe 48-72 hours. But there are also websites where these kind of challenges are available forever. So I played a lot on w3challs, smashthestack and overthewire. In the beginning you will realize you know nothing. You fail every challenge you try. But that’s normal. Because people create writeups or upload their exploit script. And then you can work through those solutions. You can research topics you didn’t know about. You see how other people solve it. And you start to gain experience. And you will see that after a couple of CTFs you start to be able to make progress yourself. So for that prupose you should look up the writeups on ctftime, or the ctf writeup github repository (maybe contribute yourself by gathering other peoples writeups and create a pull request), or simply hang around on the IRC channel of the competition, because people will start discussing solutions afterwards. I hope this quick overview was helpful to get into challenges yourself. And maybe consider recording yourself solving them during the CTF. Just make sure you don’t beg for flags, solutions and hints. Respect the competition. Be excellent to each other. And accept your lack of skill and convert it into motivation to learn more.

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