Sunday, March 31, 2019

What is CERTIFIED ETHICAL HACKER? Jobs and Requirements.

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What is it CEH(Certified Ethical Hacker). Let's talk about it today. Hey guys! what's going on this is Sagar Panta with IT career questions and today we are talking about the CEH which is the Certified Ethical Hacker. It's a certification that you can get from EC-Council. So, let's go into some of the details about it. So, we could see if it's something that is interesting to you. 

Certified Ethical Hacker

A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and different vulnerabilities within an environment you utilize. These types of hacking skills in a lawful manner so you know how to be a malicious hacker. But you go through this process so that you can be an ethical hacker. If you know how to be a malicious hacker  you will  know how to hack things you know how to be malicious but you use all those skills and the knowledge that you know about hacking to help environments to help secure things that's what a Certified Ethical Hacker
 So for the CEH certification there is a prerequisite you either have to have two years of work experience in the information security field or you could take the official training through EC-Council and that would qualify you to actually take the CEH exam. So two years experience or go through the official training. There is a price difference in the two, based on which path you go down. If you don't go through the official training, it does cost more money .There are two different CEH exams. Let's get into the regular CEH exam. It's a four hour exam, there's a 125 questions, the cost is going to range anywhere between like nine hundred and eleven hundred dollars. Again that's based on whether you take their certified training or you have the experience to go ahead and take that certification test on your own . There may be other discounts and things out there that you could find so that price will fluctuate a little bit. There's also a 100 dollar application fee that you have to pay no matter what so be aware of that as well. The validity of this exam is three years meaning once you are  CEH certified that certification is valid for only three years. The CEH practical exam this is a six hour exam and it has 20 challenges.

Jobs Offered After CEH Certification
  • Penetration Tester
  • Network Specialist
  • Ethical Hacker 
  • Security Consultant 
  •  Site Administrator
  •  Lucrative Security positions in Governmental IT Sector
  •   And so on…

If you're looking to go down that security route if you're looking to be a pentester, security analyst this certification is definitely for you. You can go check out EC councils website where they have more information there you can look and see what type of training resources they have there and you can look at how you can enroll to become a Certified Ethical Hacker. If you guys have any more questions about the CEH you want me to go more into detail we can definitely do that in another post. The whole point of this post is just to give you this brief overview of what the CEH is. I hope you found this useful I hope this information really worked for you. If you have any comments questions or concerns be sure to hit me up in the comments below as always I'm always happy to help you guys and answer whatever questions that I can if I don't have the answers for you I'm going to ask  expert so they can share their real-world knowledge or real-world experience in whatever that question you have may be so as always take it easy.
See you soon
Good Bye
Thank You!!

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